一百週年紀念籌款音樂會 | Magnifi-Centenary Fundraising Concert

TCUC 2019-04-27 Concert Poster

本堂定於2019年4月27日(禮拜六)晚上七時至九時舉行一百週年紀念籌款音樂會。這音樂會將是本堂100週年慶祝活動的最後一項。淨收益將支持本堂外展事工之「寒冬送暖活動」,及撥入建設及維修基金作修理升降機之用。音樂會將由本堂的Talking Donkeys和多個合唱團及音樂友好等組成的聯合詩班選唱以詩篇為主題獻唱多首樂曲。聯合詩班將演出本堂葉賜光弟兄特別為一百週年紀念而撰寫的《慶典詩篇交響頌》新作共五個樂章,內容全選自詩篇:《古老的一百:榮耀頌鼓號進殿謝恩祭》,《 從亙古到永遠祢是神》,《鈞天廣樂萬物頌》,《紅海神蹟:耶和華的大能勝過諸水》及《稱謝終曲之大小和鳴》。門票每位十元,每主日在友誼廳出售,欲購從速。我們同時歡迎你在音樂會場刊中登載賀辭,或向所認識的朋友或商戶推介刊登廣告,以支持此兩項事工。詳情請聯絡本堂辦公室。


TCUC will be hosting a Magnifi-Centenary Fundraising Concert on Saturday, April 27th 2019, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, as the Grand Finale of all our 100th Anniversary celebration activities. The net proceeds from this concert will be dedicated to supporting the TCUC Building and Maintenance Fund (for repairing the elevator), and also the “Out of the Cold” Community Program. The concert will feature the premier performance of a “Ceremonial Choral Symphony on Psalms”, a commissioned choral work by our church member Kenneth Yip. Tickets are $10 per person and will be available for purchase in the Fellowship Lounge every Sunday. Please join us on this momentous occasion. We are actively seeking sponsorship for this concert from members, friends and community businesses – please spread the word! For more information, please contact the church office.

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