懷熙中文學校 | T.H. Chan Memorial Chinese School


本堂教友子弟親友及就讀學生之兄弟姊妹均優先取錄。中文部上午班用粵語教學,下午班則辦國語兒童會話班。數學班分三時段上課,課程適合日校第一至十二班學生;更特別為十一、十二班學生設新編Advanced Functions, Calculus & Vectors及Data Management加強課程。欲知詳情,請前往 https://www.tcuc.ca/about/math-school/, https://www.tcuc.ca/about/chinese-school/ 或向葉中絢校長或梁祖欽副校長查詢。

Enrollment of new students for T.H. Chan Memorial Chinese School for academic year 2015-2016 has begun! Please register at church on Saturdays between 9am to 5pm. Preference will be given to children of our congregation. We offer Cantonese study classes in the morning and Mandarin classes in the afternoon. Mathematics classes are in “M”, “A” & “B” sections with three university preparation classes of Advanced Functions, Calculus & Vectors and Mathematics of Data Management.

For details please visit https://www.tcuc.ca/about/math-school/, https://www.tcuc.ca/about/chinese-school/ or contact Chung Shun Chiu, the Principal or Charles Leung, the Vice-principal.

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