Second Sunday of Easter 2020 Resources

Children’s Time

Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9 (The Message)

Peter offers some support to his readers in what is now Turkey. Even though God has promised great things, the people are still going through tough times. How are things from today the same as those ancient readers, and what is God calling us to do?


  1. Who do you think would like to receive Peter’s letter today?
  2. How can we be the voice of God in people’s lives and and encourage others?


Reading: John 20:19-29 (NRSV)

Jesus returns to His followers, but Thomas is missing. He is understandably skeptical when his friends share the good news with him. But does his doubt truly reveal a lack of faith? And how does this help us to engage with the COVID-19 pandemic in faith?


  1. I wonder how the disciples felt when Jesus suddenly appeared to them?
  2. I wonder how Thomas felt when the disciples told him the news?
  3. I wonder how Thomas felt when he saw Jesus?
  4. I wonder how the disciples felt when Thomas saw Jesus?
  5. How can we live in faith during the COVID-19 pandemic? What concrete steps can we take to live more faithfully?
  6. What does the future look like at TCUC? How can we live into that future with faith?

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